Suggestions to Differentiate Folder Sets

I'm looking for some suggestions or solutions to differentiate client folders and their sub-folders. At a given time, I may be working on the folders of 3 different clients. Each client has the exact same sub-folders and then the same documents within those folders; however, customized to that particular client.

There has been a few times that I'm working on Client A, I wind up clicking around into multiple folders and then wind up in Client B's sub-folders, still thinking I'm in Client A.

Any thoughts on how to differentiate? I've thought about possibly making all of the folders and sub-folders for a client one color, then change colors for each client. Not sure how that would occur though.

Thanks for any thoughts. Thanks

You could assign background colors for all clients, like so:

Thanks for the suggestion Ixp; however, the colored background becomes a little distracting for me.

I had forgotten about setting labels, which does what I want; however, how can I apply a label to a folder and all sub-folders under it?

Go to Preferences / Labels / Label Assignments / In Specific Folders

That will work. Thank you.