SWF Helper

Howdy Leo,

I've got the thumbnails to work. I found a solution on-line under the title Including FLV files in Windows Media Player 12 Video Library published on October 31, 2009 by David Potter on his David's Technical Musings site — http://dpotter.net/technical/2009/10/including-flv-files-in-windows-media-player-12-video-library/

The solution was writing changes to the Registry. From reading his blog, I think he was assuming a 64 bit Windows 7 system and WMP 12. However, the Registry changes worked fine with my XP 32 bit system using WMP 11.

Rather than making a .reg file, I added the registry changes manually using the program Registry Workshop 4.2.4, but I've copied in his .reg file version below:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



I also did the following step in Windows Media Player itself, as per his instructions:

Select Tools –> Apply Media Information Changes.

I thought you might like a copy of this method for your files in case someone else has a similar problem.
