System drive slow search-keeps looking in Application Data

The Deny permission entry detail windows (the partially hidden ones that require scrolling to reveal the remaining entries), have only "List folder / read data" checked on the Deny column, nothing else.

Many thanks for the screenshots.

Apart from the user and computer names (of course!) those details look identical to what I have.

If you use Tools -> Command Prompt Here to open a command prompt via Opus itself (which should also inherit the context of Opus when opened that way, rather than via the Start menu or another method), then run the command below, you should get a "File Not Found" message. Does that happen for you or do you get a directory listing?

dir "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Application Data"

I get the directory C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Application Data listing.

That's very strange. It's like your system is ignoring folder permissions entirely.

Does dir "C:\System Volume Information" also get you back a listing?

What if you open a command prompt via the Start Menu instead of via Opus?

Has your Windows account (or one of the groups it is in) been added to the Backup Operators group? Or been granted the similar privilege? I think that would make it ignore folder permissions.

You can check via the Computer Management admin tool that's part of WIndows, in the Local Users and Groups section.

Hm, Local Users and Groups/Users: Double clicked all 3 (Admin/User/Guest), Member of: all 3 had their respective single entries, no backup operators.
Local Users and Groups/Groups/Backup Operators/Members: empty.

I have the (bad?) habit of disabling the default folder sharing Windows applies to C:\Users (or is it C:?). Could that cause problems. I never really got why the complete Users folder should be shared.

Oh, the Administrator properties window in Local Users and Groups/Users has "Account is disabled" checked.

Disabling sharing wouldn't cause this afaik.

It's normal for the administrator account to be disabled (but not the administrator group, though I don't think groups can be disabled anyway).

Problem solved in a couple of seconds ("Restore Junctions") - here's the tip that worked and here's Junction Box.


Great that it's fixed now!

I wonder what Junction Box did exactly that wasn't already in place. There must have been something wrong with the junctions that we didn't think to look for.

Thanks for letting us know it's fixed and what fixed it, in case it's useful to someone else with the same problem.

Unfortunately, the problem keeps coming back. JunctionBox solves it (only if I quit DOpus first before running JB though) but after a system restart DOpus loops in a C: search again.

What you're seeing in Opus is just a symptom of the larger problem (which will affect any applications that recurse directories on your C-drive) that something is messing up the junctions or file permissions on your system.