i'd like to make a hotkey which brings Opus to front : one specific lister, or the first lister it can find.
Is there an easy way ? i haven't found and i would prefer using Opus' own hotkeys instead of defining a AutoHotKey rule
i'd like to make a hotkey which brings Opus to front : one specific lister, or the first lister it can find.
Is there an easy way ? i haven't found and i would prefer using Opus' own hotkeys instead of defining a AutoHotKey rule
You can use:
which will bring to the front the most recently active lister. You can also add the NEW argument which means that if there is no last active lister then a new one will be opened.
This Go command is so huge !
Thanks so much tanis !
This function works perfectly at work ..
But at home, i have two LCD and one Opus is always opened on the left screen. Is there another function (i haven't found another in the Go list) to be able to cycle between lister brought to front ?
I mean, when i would use my hotkey, it would bring a lister to front, than another one, etc .. Let's imagine it could be called Go NEXTLISTER ...
It doesn't exist right now, does it ?
You could use Set LISTERCMD=ShowAll to show all of the Opus windows, if that's any use.
Thanks Leo, even if it's not exactly what i've asked, the result is absolutely good for me (bringing an Opus in front on each of my screens)