It is strange: it seems that since there is version 12 of Directory Opus (I am using version 11.19 x64 of 10-6-2016) there are little things that do not work as it should work in my version of Directory Opus. The reason I do not upgrade Directory Opus is that I do not want to pay another $ 50.00 again, after my initial $ 62.10 in 2012 and upgrade of version 10 to version 11 with another $ 50.00.
In the Keyboard Map I want to change my System-wide Hotkeys, as it apparently does not work anymore. I previously assigned Win+E as 'Open Opus': 'Go NEW' and Win+Shift+E as 'New Lister': 'Open a new lister', because I want to start Directory Opus in the way I assigned as 'Default Lister'. This does not work anymore: when I press Win+E (anywhere in Windows) Directory Opus does not start with my preferred Default Lister; when I press Win+Shift+E it does start that way. So I decided to change these two hotkeys, by 'switching' them: Win+Shift+E as 'Open Opus': 'Go NEW' and Win+E as 'New Lister': 'Open a new lister'. The result is the same as before, so no change in behaviour!
Can you explain this for me?
Our releasing Opus 12 did not change the code to Opus 11 that was already on your machine.
What probably did change is the version of Windows you are using, and the way it handles the Win-E hotkey.
Win-E is a Windows hotkey which opens the This PC folder or the Quick Access folder (depending on Windows version, and configuration).
If Opus is set as the default file manager, the folder will open in Opus.
In addition to that, Opus allows you to attempt to override the Win-E hotkey to do anything you want, but there isn't a completely reliable way to do this, as it's one of Windows' own hotkeys. Newer versions of Windows intercept the Win-E hotkey at a very low level which we cannot always (possibly ever on Windows 10; not sure) intercept.
So Win-E will open an Opus window, if Opus is set to replace Explorer, but you may not have complete control over which folder it opens, or be able to make it run arbitrary commands. Using another hotkey is recommended if you want that. (e.g. Win-Shift-E is the one Opus sets up with a fresh config, to open the default lister.)
As for pricing, if you don't think all these new features plus the free ones we give away over the years of support each version gets are worth ~$10 per year then that's up to you.
Hi Leo,
Thanks for your explanation: it is clear to me now. I will use Win+Shift+E for what I want with Directory Opus.
I am sorry for not wanting to pay $ 50 for another upgrade. I think I was annoyed for Directory Opus not working as I wanted. On the other hand, as you state:
for me it is $112 in 5 years, so that's $22 per year. The major upgrade of version 10 (bought Nov 2012) to version 11 (March 2014) costed $50 in (less than) 2 years which is $25 per year, and the upgrade of version 11 (2014) to version 12 (2017) is $17 per year.
Kind regards,