Not sure what happened to the first tab. No way to see if it's working or how far a long it is.
Which version of Opus?
Any idea how to make it happen?
Have you seen it more than once?
I've not seen this specific one before but I've had various issues with this unattended process.
It does say 11% up at the top which was the same as when I sent the ticket in. I clicked on retry for lack of anything better it closed the diaglog but then it opened a new default lister and then brought up a new move dialog box which caused me some issues trying to be able to get at the unattended checkbox because it started erroring trying to re-move those errored files it didn't/couldn't move the first time.
There really should be a way to set the options for unattended before starting the move/copy.
Sometimes I think it's related to network problems it's like the network get's overwhelmed when moving a lot of data? I'm not exactly sure what happens.
My internet has been in an out all day due to Verizon's one wire, one route policy. Today it's going west that's the problem last week it was going north and south. We had better connections when we had analog copper. Shouldn't affect my LAN but does seem to at times could be crap code in the router.
The same error repeated while I was typing this up. I had to reset the router by turning it off and on again so it may well be related to network issues.
You can via the command arguments.
Looking at the screenshot again, are you sure the copy didn't just finish, so all that remains is the errors/unattended tab? The tab showing copy progress is removed once no copies are running, since it would not show you anything useful (nothing is being copied, so it has nothing to tell you on that tab).
Total progress showing 11% likely means only 11% was copied before the network went out and the rest all failed to copy.
Not even close to finished. I think if I have time tomorrow it might be simpler and faster to install a dock on my desktop and do a local copy. I got so many projects and today the new monitor just stopped. Went to sleep last night while the move continued and this morning I couldn't get the monitor to turn on. Seems like the HDMI port on the laptop is no longer sending a signal. The monitor is even gone from device manager. Screwed around with it all day and got no where.
My theory: It didn't copy all the data because the network vanished and most of the files failed to copy. So only 11% was copied.
But it is finished because it tried to copy every file in unattended mode, skipped the failures, and got to the end. It's then showing a huge list of errors because most of the files could not be copied due to the network no longer being there.
TLDR: The problem is just the network. Opus is working as I would expect it to.
Those errors were mostly already there. They happened at the beginning of the move. I'm not sure what happened to them but they seemed to be missing files. In other words what I selected no longer existed. I was doing a lot of multitasking so I don't recall if I had deleted out some files after I had started the move. I don't remember doing it but I done that before so it's not beyond me.
Anyway because i know everyone is dying to know what the issue is with the new monitor. First off let me say I don't know why this monitor acts different then other multi-monitor setups I've had but it stays blank during boot and doesn't turn on until the Windows logon screen is presented.
Every multi-monitor setup I had before was essentially a mirror of the computer it was attached to assuming you didn't set it to extended. You turned on the computer the monitor came on, it started to boot so you see the options just like you would on your computer. Very odd to me. Maybe it's the HDMI hookup that makes it weird?
It appears the cord stopped working. I've never had that happen in my entire life. Now it works tomorrow it doesn't? I mean at least not without some serious damage happending to the cord but this cord hadn't been touched or moved just stopped working. Anyone else ever had this happen?
If I boot into Xbuntu it has an entirely different display than the computer. That I've never seen. Not even the same color bakground.
So I'm trying to figure out what's important for a new move/copy button but damn that's involved with a lot of command modifiers and some defaults from preferences.
The current "drop" only has COPY MOVE as the text. When I started getting deep into the copy command from the manual it's left me with some confusion.
I wish you had the whole command syntax at the top. And then at the bottom have more complex examples similar to MS which I cannot believe I'm saying because they rarely do things well. One example where I wasn't sure how to put together the command has to do with the Queue. From what I understand you don't have to name the queue but if you don't how do you add the ",quiet" or ",noisey"?
Various arguements have one of a few different switches shown after them like /K, /O, /S, /N, /R what do they mean? Is it some sort of categorization?
I think I read somewhere that DO's Copy Move is the same as MS copy or move so even though there would seem to me to be a lot of options that would make sense for the basic copy or move it is basic. No better than MS and no worse than MS.
This particular paramater explanation seems to be the inverse of what I think you meant to say regarding when items are moved vs copied. It seems to confuse the idea of what happens physically behind the scenes with forcing a move even on the same drive which would change what happens behind the scenes.
I think the use of partition is better than drive because drive can be a physical drive or a logical drive assigned or not assigned a letter. What you're talking about is crossing a partition boundary regardless of it's being assigned a letter.
Lastly maybe you want to explain the goings on behind-the-scene of a same partition and across partition copies or moves because that's not really what's happeneing.
In a move on the same partition the existing File Allocation Table (FAT) entires are changed to point to the new file directory rather than moving the data. On a copy you would get a new set of data with new entries in the FAT unless you use a link which can start a whole new discussion.
Across partition moves and copies are identical as both make a new copy of data and create new entries in the destination partition's FAT.
MOVEWHENSAME /S (no value) If the destination folder is on the same drive as the source then selected items will be moved, otherwise they will be copied. This command is used in the default drag-and-drop file type event (which mimics the standard Explorer drag-and-drop behaviour where files are moved if you drag them to a different folder on the same drive, and copied otherwise).
MOVEWHENSAME /S (no value) If the destination folder is on the same partition as the source then selected items will be copied, otherwise they will be moved. This command is used in the default drag-and-drop file type event (which mimics the standard Explorer drag-and-drop behaviour where files are copied if you drag them to a different folder on the same partition, and moved otherwise).
- This one just needs some clarification I think.
NOQUEUEWHENSAME /S (no value) Disables the use of the copy queue when the source and destination paths are on the same drive partition. You would normally only use this argument when moving files, because moves on the same drive can be done without actually copying any data.
NOQUEUEWHENSAME /S (no value) Disables the use of the queue for a move operation on the same partition. You would normally only use this argument when moving or copying files across partitions or copying to the same partition, because a move on the same partition can be accomplshed without actually moving any data. A copy onto the same partition must replicate the data and add new entries in the FAT. (Bizzare when you think about it. A move is more like a relocate within a partition.)
- This is what I came up as far as creating a button that moves or copies data with unattended options altough I'm not real confident because it is a bit complex and I'm not sure what your unattended checkbox does with all these options? In addition to the settings in preferences and at least one default in the commmand arguments. It's a lot to keep track of. The ",quiet" option is missing for reasons stated above and yet mayve the UNATTEDED addresses that option? There are also contradictions like UPDATESECURITY=yes and COPYSECURITY=yes or their inverses. The FORCE option appears on COPY and UPDATEALL commands what happens when it's ambiguous like in my command? One forces a file replace after restart and the other forces a file repace that exceeded a 2 second time difference.
Did I cover all the bases? I almost think it would be better to have a panel to set some of these options because it seems that some options are better for smaller files while some are better for larger files, some are more important when you're going across physical partitions or depending on copy vs move even, etc. Is it possible for me to create a pre-populated panel that could be changed?
From : Internal Command Arguments [Directory Opus Manual]
Argument qualifiers
The qualifiers that you will see in the command templates are as follows. Remember that you never type the qualifiers when using arguments - they are merely a clue as to the argument type.
Qualifier | Type | Description |
/S | Switch | Indicates a switch argument (a Boolean option that can either be on or off). |
/K | Keyword | Indicates a value argument (a value must be provided following the argument keyword). |
/O | Optional | Indicates an optional argument (can be used either by itself, as a switch, or with a following value). |
/N | Numeric | The value of the argument must be a number. |
/M | Multiple | The argument can accept multiple values (e.g. a list of files; see below). |
/R | Raw | The argument accepts a "raw" value. For these arguments, the rest of the command line following the argument name is taken as the value.Arguments of this type are the only ones that do not require quotes around values which contain spaces. |