Is there a way to close a "selected" tab, and not necessarily the current tab, and not all tabs? Basically I want to r-click on a non-active tab and be able to close it. I tried 'go tabclose', but it closes the active tab...

You can close the tab under the mouse in a few ways, depending on which options are set in Preferences / Listers / Folder Tabs:

a) Click on it with the middle mouse button.

b) Double-click on it with the left mouse button (if Double-click to close a tab is switched on).

c) Click on the close button (if Show tab close buttons is on).

Right click over the tab icon and you'll see a different context menu than you'll see if you right click over anywhere else on a tab. One of the entries you'll see on that context menu is a command to close the tab whose icons you're hovering over.

You can also click the middle mouse wheel button to close any tab.

Thanks John. Exactly what I was looking for. Not sure why I didn't see that before...

I must have changed a setting just after tabs were added to Opus, but I cannot for the life of me remember now what it was.

But I always close ANY tab, by LMB double-clicking it. I wanted to have that capability because that is the way I close tabs in my preferred browser, NetCaptor.

That's the trouble with Opus. Its versatility makes it 'all things to all men'. The result is we forget that something we have been doing seemingly forever was not in the package as it came out of the box. :unamused:

Perhaps it was the one I mentioned in the second post in this thread? :slight_smile:

Perhaps it was the one I mentioned in the second post in this thread? :slight_smile:

[quote="me"]b) Double-click on it with the left mouse button (if Double-click to close a tab is switched on).[/quote][/quote]Hello Leo...

Possibly, but I cannot see that option in Preferences / Listers / Folder Tabs in my copy (v8.2.2.5 U)

That's because it isn't there. I don't have it either in the release version.

Apologies, the ability to Double-Click to Close Tabs is always switched on.