Tagging process and @nodeselect

Hi all :slight_smile:

I built a couple of menu buttons for processing my images. One menu is for quickly adding tags. Each tag is set up as a seperate button (function: SetAttr META "tags:+ myTag" @nodeselect) and now I ran into a slight problem:
Quite often I'd like to assign two or more tags, but the refreshing of the files display deselects all files and the modifier does not help here (I understand this is necessary to display the correct, new tags). Still wonder if it is possible to assign multiple tags in one go somehow? Is it possible to halt the refresh process with another modifier?

We've got something to address that in the pipeline for the next update.

Wow, sounds awesome :slight_smile:

Maybe there is an issue that belongs to that topic: when the picture viewer is opened via double-click, hotkeys for tagging and rating are not working somehow - I double-checked in the list of hotkeys and the ones I set up for rating are not in red. Would love to see enhancements or further features included in DOpus; it will become a valid replacement for Bridge and the like.

The standalone viewer or the viewer panel?

Lister/toolbar hotkeys don't affect the standalone viewer.

Oh okay, that explains that. A pity though.