Is it possible to create a button to enable/disable Info Tips?
Only via Preferences, as far as I know.
Please consider adding a Command to Enable/Disable Info Tips in future release of Opus. Changing it via Preferences is a multi-step process.
+1 for this feature.
Do you need to change this often? If so, why? I've only needed to turn it off when making tutorial videos, which is rare.
Earlier I used to dump all my photos to a drive partition in different folders. Now I am organizing them using Opus. In the process I have found that I have many duplicate photos which I want to remove. However before deleting duplicates I want to be sure that I am not deleting photos which are different. After Opus finds duplicate photos I use thumbnail view to view them side by side. After visual confirmation I proceed to delete duplicates. When I click duplicates to select, the Info Tips appears which feels distracting. So I disable Info Tips. However sometimes in this exercise I need to see Info Tips to get more details about the photos, so I need to enable Info Tips. So I have to keep on visiting Info Tips page to enable/disable it.
As we know even if I make a button to directly go to Info Tips page in the Preferences, it involves three clicks, whereas if you add command for Info Tips, it will takes just single click.
Hope you will understand our practical difficulties.
+1 this feature please. A simple command to toggle infotips.
Maybe increasing the delay before they open would solve that more generally, and without you having to keep toggling them on and off.
The time is tied to the system-wide mouse double-click time (which is more like a "user reaction time" setting, used for a lot of things in Windows, not just double-clicks). Increasing that will make them wait longer before they appear.
Support++ the OP's request.
@Leo ... Any chance of having Command to switch on and off the InfoTips?
We'll add this in 13.7.1.
Thanks @Jon