The "slide-out navigation" buttons have been removed

Is there some hidden setting to get this functionality back? I've used it all the time...

There isn't, sorry.

Just updated to 13 and that is the first thing i noticed :laughing:
Any way of requesting this to make a comeback possibly?

As an old Opus user who's adored this feature since wayback when on my Amiga 500...
i miss it terribly already and agree with @gmit - i've also used it all the time.

Posting here is enough. :slight_smile: If a lot of people ask for it to come back we might do so, although it's one of those things that added a lot of complexity (testing as well as the code itself) for something most people didn't even know was there.

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As a dev, i totally understand and feel your pain. :laughing:

I have cast my vote, made my voice heard and shall now return to obscurity and silently whisper a prayer once in a while :joy:

Thank you for another great update and for Opus in general :heart:

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