The window is not activated after clicking on its scroll bar

Under Image style (with dual vertical lister), inactive window will not be activated when I click on its scroll bar. This problem is not appeared under other styles.

Seems fine here. Which scrollbar do you mean?

The attached is answer. When a window is inactive, clicking on showed places not active it.

I still can't repro it, at least on Vista, but my Images style looks different to yours.

Could you go to /dopusdata/ListerStyles (just type that into the Location field in Opus) and zip up the Images.ols file, then attach the zip to this thread? I'll see if that triggers the problem for me.

Do you actually mean window focus or do you mean that when you click on the slider that pane doesn't become the source lister?

Here you are Dear Leo :blush:

Regards (611 Bytes) (611 Bytes)

As the picture display, the top of my right window is gray (it is not active and DOpus suppose it as Destination window). On the other Styles, when I click on the window scroll bar, the window is activated (the top of it will be Red and DOpus suppose it as Source window afterwards), but under Images style, this feature not work.
