Thumbnail mode and folders


When I use Thumbnail mode for viewing my Music collection I see Album cover instead of plain folder icon.
But when in some folder only 1 (one) music file inside, I see plain folder icon with picture on it.

See attached screenshot and bottom line of folders where six folders contain only one .mp3 inside.

Copy the folder's folder.jpg to coverart.jpg to force it to be displayed as a CD even if it doesn't contain several music files.

Maybe Dopus will read folder.jpg for that folders? Because folder.jpg auto-generated by Windows Media Player or other music libraries.

Also, if I will change album cover in WMP, folder.jpg will be changed automatically, but coverart.jpg won't be replaced and dopus will show older image.

Opus does read folder.jpg. coverart.jpg just forces it to use a CD thumbnail instead of auto-detecting whether or not the folder seems to be an album.

You can always create a softlink from coverart.jpg to folder.jpg if you need it so updating one updates the other. (How often do album covers change, though, and how many albums only have one or two tracks?)

Too much such albums.

Maybe if folder contains only one or only audio file and has folder.jpg so use this folder.jpg as thumbnail?

Or another hint: WMP create inside music albums file desktop.ini with content:


Hmm, we could probably make it check the desktop.ini file.

Thank you.