I'd like to ask, whether there is a setting somewhere I did not find yet, where I can set the number of lines for folder thumbnails to be more than 1 line. The label is fully visible if the folder as focus, but the full name is not visible on all the other folders, which is a sad thing! o)
For normal files, the number of lines for the label in the Prefs seems to have the expected effect, I can't see why folder labels would behave differently, can you? o)
Looking at the screenshot, I don’t think it’s files vs folders, but the names themselves. They don’t have any spaces so they won’t wrap to a second line.
That’s something I think we’ve already improved in the code but not released yet. Will double check when I’m at my PC.
Oh wait! It does not show full label for files either, I was mislead by the "date taken" being added, which looks like 2 lines. So the labels are not visible on all the thumbnails it seems.. oh no! o(
But then, why is the full name visible when the item has focus? DO will ignore the number of lines per label at this point and is suddenly able to wrap my "underscore-only" naming scheme - it is a bit confusing.. o) Thank you! o)