Thumbnail Styles Alignment of Style image

trying to make style that blends in with windows 11 folders,
in the image below the center folder is Directory Opus Thumbnail Style, it is misaligned vertically by a few pixels compared with standard windows 11 folders on the left and the right. I have put the two red highlights in to help see the misalignment.


here is the Style image I am using
Windows 11 Folder 1

I have tried moving the folder up vertically in the image but it has no affect on the alignment in the lister.

Maybe you could adjust your alignment by a few pixels, as this happening with other folder images as well (that have alpha transparent vertical space above and below the folder image)

I would have thought adding transparent padding to the bottom of the image would shift it upwards.

thats what i thought but it seems your routine is ignoring the transparent areas and centering the opaque (non-transparent) pixels. And it is off by a few pixels, hardly noticable but does make overall effect look untidy when mixed with normal folders. Or it could be that the windows 11 folders are off center vertically but in that cas nothing can be done about it, except misalign your routine.

That does not happen here:

Thanks for response - led me to trying some things and have them aligned correctly now

The problem was I was saving the adjusted images (when I had moved the folder up in the image) under the same name and DO is not using the updated image it is using a cached version of the old image. If you save the image under a new name then the changes will show (as above).