Thumbnails for Image Folders - Random


I didn't want to hijack this thread even though it's very closely related (please merge if that works better for you)

Could we also get an option to do Random?

I always wondered way my 4 thumbnails always seemed to get pulled from the end of my list (most recent). Alphabetical doesn't really work for me either. But random, for me, that's where it's at :slight_smile:

Sorry, I should of brought this up sooner while you were in that code :pensive:

Thanks for considering!

Would you want it random each time you went to the folder, or just when the thumbnail was first generated?

Folder thumbnails are usually cached (if caching is on) and only re-created if the folder changes, so the random selection would not normally kick in on every refresh. (The idea still makes sense; just want to make sure of what you're looking for.)

Yes, random every time I viewed that folder as long as caching was turned off (which is what I do). I would expect if the cache was turned on, it would just remain the same if no content changed.

What I'm after is a wider range for those 4 previews instead of 4 files next to each other. Files next to each other doesn't always represent whats in the folder very well

  • Most recent (for me) usually grabs the last 4 files in the folder. Leaving out whats in the beginning or middle.

  • Alphabetical would just grab the first 4 files in the folder, leaving out the middle and end.

  • Random (I would hope) would create a wider range of the content.

But I guess even random could grab 2 files next to each other. Maybe it needs to be more % grouped based? Meaning, there are always going to be 4 thumbnails displayed so maybe the file list count could be divided into 4 sections, divided at the 25%, 50% and 75% intervals (Using 100 files as an example: Section 1 = 1-24, Section 2 = 25,49, Section 3 = 50-74, Section 4 = 75-100) and 1 image is selected from each section. That would really show a wide range of the contents (for me at least). :slight_smile:

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Actually, that could still grab 24 from section 1 and 25 from section 2. So whatever you think :slight_smile: