Thumbnails for Image Folders - Select First

When DOpus generates a thumb icon for folder that contains images it (from the user point of view) randomly picks up the images. Is it possible to tell Opus to use the first image in ascending order? It certainly makes sense in some cases. (BTW, I smell feature request :))

Actually it picks the most recent files. I guess we could add an option to make it alphabetical if that would be useful.

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It makes sense as the first file might represent the contents of the directory in special way. I am currently reorganizing my comics, but I guess any obsessive-compulsive geek would welcome the idea. :blush:

Pretty please then. Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

Ok, so it does work in 12.3.5+ but of course not for shell rendered 3D folder thumbs. It was really the most you could do. Thanks once more. :slight_smile:

I'm uploading where to look in the prefs, as I wandered around a bit myself:

No if the thumbs come via the shell we have no control over them at all.

I keep thinking we should update our own thumbnails to have a 3D option, maybe once Leo's finished redoing the copy graph :wink:

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This will be awesome. And since you've come that far, maybe you should do something cool just as you've done with thumbnails for mp3's. Those thumbnails just look awesome. Maybe something like that for images and movies, something even better than common Windows 3D? Maybe something animated? :wink:

I've got six programming languages to learn first in order to add a couple of buttons to a website. :smiley:

I believe you, as I'm about to enter Android / Java, myself and I try to delay that as far as possible. :slight_smile:

But, I'm afraid what would happen to us once you master Vulkan API or DirectX. Probably the first file manager that's gone VR. :wink:

Oh my gosh! How about dragging cursor left/right changes the thumbnail displayed. The width of the folder acts like a timeline or %. I know Apple introduced this many years ago. Having troubles finding a demo of it. I think it might also be in iPhoto and iMovie.

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I think we better stop dreaming, I already smell rotten tomatoes and bad fish. :slight_smile: