Thumbnails not loading for Images

Hello, brand new user here so apologies if I'm missing something obvious - I'm having trouble with the thumbnail icons not loading for any images. It shows the image if i hover my cursor over the file, but not the thumbnail icon itself. I've gone through all the settings/preferences and everything seems as it should be, I just installed it yesterday so everything should be default anyway. I've tried deleting the thumbnail cache and the icon cache, but to no avail. They show up normally on File Explorer. Any suggestions?

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It looks like you're in Large Icons mode, not Thumbnails mode.

Pardon, I got my terminology wrong; I meant the icons aren't displaying properly. when I switch to thumbnail mode they display just fine. Is there a reason why thumbnails would function correctly but not the icons? :thinking:

The icons look normal/correct to me.

What are you expecting instead for them?