Thumbnails Problems

The video looks normal, and I’m surprised if File Explorer is any different.

If a thumbnail isn’t in memory, it’ll be generated in the background (either when the file is about to scroll into view, or after the folder is opened, depending on config). While waiting for that, the file’s icon is displayed instead until it’s ready.

If you want more thumbnails to fit in memory at once, reducing the maximum thumbnail size (under Prefs/Misc/Advanced) can help, but you’ll still be hitting memory limits when in a folder with enough files.

1 Like here is where the problem happens. immediately after that, i also recorded the same folder in windows explorer, which works seamlessly after the thumbnails are loaded, unlike opus. notice how can i scroll to any point of the folder without thumbnails reloading/not showing up after they loaded once.

about memory limit, i propose to add an option to choose the memory limit yourself for opus 13, so if i want double the memory or more because my machine can handle it, let me do it. this would solve all my problems and i would be able to switch to opus permanently as a file manager.

i also tried out the file managers Dolphin, XYplorer and TotalCommander to see if the issue was present there. none of them had the memory limit problem and the folder scrolled down seamlessly, without any reloading or flickering of the thumbnails. so thats 4, counting windows explorer, that do not have this issue.

XYplorer also saves the thumbnails even if u close the folder or restart the computer, when you open it the 20K images folder has all thumbnails loaded and you can scroll down immediately. It would be perfect if opus 13 could do this too.

so i need to ask you, will the memory limit by folder be able to be chosen/raised by the user in opus 13, by adding this option? and, will the feature of thumbnails only having to be loaded once be added to opus 13? thank you

In my opinion, what you call "flickering" is normal, it happens in Explorer and also in Dopus 13, it only happens when the collection folder has just been opened and it only takes a few seconds for all the thumbnails to be completely loaded on the screen without "flickering" (displaying file icon), at least on my computer it only takes a few seconds. As far as I know there is no memory limit in Dopus for things like this or maybe I'm wrong. If you have a very large image collection, you can increase thumbnail caching in preferences.

it does not happen in explorer. i recorded both, see the difference for yourself (this is after loading the thumbnails of the folder. my problem starts after thumbnails are loaded once): 3

and the opus developer confirmed in this thread that there is indeed a memory limit for folders, and im proposing and requesting an option to change it and increase it, just like the thumbnail cache option you screenshotted, which i applaud. i simply cant use opus if this feature isnt added

Yes, you've said that a couple of times now. It's getting old.

You can set the limit to whatever you want from Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: [Limits] max_thumbnail_mem_size (value is in MB).

0 means use the default value (10% of system RAM). Set it to 1 to have no limit at all.


today, i have seen the light. now i dont have to endure microsoft's negligent and incompetent default software anymore. opus has saved my life. i can finally work in peace without constant sabotage. amen🙏

the other thing i mentioned doesnt even make sense to add now that thumbnails load this fast. each time i open even the biggest folder it loads so fast. so it was a 10% limit on your ram... thats why others users didnt have the same problem, as their ram was much higher than mine. everything makes sense now.

thanks, everyone who responded! and thank you so much, opus developers! i now have a file manager for the next few decades :fire: