Tiles view mode label misalignment glitch

will mark this as a bug, though it is more of a glitch really, and a feature request.

see image, this is happening to all my folder tiles.

Can we have the files number aligned with folders number please.


my tile settings are

I expect that’s due to how you have configured the tile information for folders, not a bug in the code.

Many thanks, will tweak this, but as you can see the formatting in the settings is not being reproduced in the display. (changes if the font is changed :frowning: )

Spaces are different widths in different fonts. You can't align things reliably using spaces so they'll work in all fonts.

Thanks, gave me an idea but it did not work out

files: \t{filecount}
folders: \t{dircounttotal}

Use an actual tab after the \, not a t.