Just found the solution to a mysterious problem that lad been bugging me for weeks.
In Prefs / Launching / Startup, these two options are checked:
- 'Launch Opus on Startup'
- 'Open a Saved Lister Layout'.
Yet for the past few weeks, Opus was launching with an odd folder on the left side (not the saved lister). That folder did not correspond to a saved lister, so I had no idea why!!!
Finally, today, while looking at my Startup folder
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
I happened to notice that there was a shortcut to the folder that was opening with Opus. So what was happening was that with every Windows start, before Opus having a chance to auto-launch, it would get launched from the Startup folder because of that shortcut to a folder!
I probably auto-created that shortcut at some point by misusing a hotkey. The fix was as simple as deleting the shortcut.
Hope this can help someone else at some point.