The Details+Thumbnail button in DOpus 11.5 looks like it's a toggle button, and it's associated with this code:
Set VIEW=Details
Set COLUMNSADD=thumbnail(0,96) @toggle:if&COLUMNSTOGGLE=thumbnail
which to me looks like it is supposed to be able to toggle the additional thumbnail column on and off (even though I can't say I really understand the syntax of that last line). However, this does not work for me: If I click it in standard details mode, the button is shown in an on-mode, and the thumbnail column appears. I would like to be able to click it again to have the thumbnail column disappear, but clicking the button again does nothing for me. It stays toggled on, and the thumbnail column remains. Am I missing something here?
If I switch to some other view (say, list), and then back to details, the thumbnail column remains. The only way for me to remove it is via directly removing it in the file display.
Also, if you look at the Details button on the left of that button, you'll find the code for switching to Details and turning off the thumbnail column:
Set VIEW=Details
Ah, I see. Is there a way to combine these into a single toggle button? Click once->Details, click again->Details+Thumbnails, click again Details, etc. ?
I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do there, but if it's switching between Details and Thumbnails modes (not Details+Thumbnails mode which is something else) then there's a much easier way: