Toggling off Dual Vertical: Fill created space with Viewer Pane if it is open

I run two side-by-side listers ("Dual Vertical") and sometimes have the Viewer Pane open as well, on the far right. When I hit the Dual Vertical button to toggle off my non-active lister, the remaining lister expands to fill the space created. I find that this is never what I want if I have the Viewer Pan open at that time. What I want if the Viewer Pane is open at that time is for the Viewer Pane to widen to fill that space, leaving my active lister its original size.

(I would expect active lister to widen if Viewer Pane is not open when I toggle off Dual Vertical. That's good behavior if Viewer Pane is off.)

Is this possible to do?

There is an OnListerUIChange event which a script could use to resize things after panels open and close.

That may be a way to solve this, depending on the exact resizing logic you need.

Thanks, Leo. Sounds hard.

My hope was to have this considered as a setting. I realize this is always a rabbit hole.

Some of the options could be to resize the remaining lister (current behavior), increase size of Viewer Pane, shrink entire window. I know this doesn't touch on all possible options. For example, what if Viewer Pane is not on at this time?

My hope is that this behavior I desire makes it into an option some day, but it's not a huge deal.

By the way, are there options to resize the overall Opus window automatically? Is that something you guys avoid? Just wondering.

In what sense? What kind of thing do you mean?

I mean in cases like this. For example, when closing a second lister, it currently leaves the Opus overall window the same size. But I guess someone might want it to shrink. (Not me though.) This came to mind when I was thinking about options related to my desire to have the Viewer Pane grow instead of the remaining lister grow when closing the second lister.

Not built in except for a few very special cases (jobs bar in the lister; file marking panel and metadata panel in the standalone viewed).

But it's something scripts could do. It could also be done using layouts or, if you use fixed size windows, using simple non-scripting commands.

Cool. My desire is still for the Viewer Pane resize, not the Opus window resize. Just to be clear.