Toolbar between listers

I want to have a vertical toolbar between listers. Ignore the fact that there are 2 listers on the left side.
I have seen lots of DOpus configs like this, but have no clue how to do it. Any help?

Toolbar MyToolBar STATE=center is possibly what you are after? This is described in the Help for the Toolbar internal command.

Regards, AB

That screenshot is from Directory Opus 5 on the Amiga from about 20 years ago.

...and screenshot apparently from 2008 :smiley:

I think it's an Amiga emulator. There is a database of downloadable Amiga ROM's on the website the image is linked to, including Opus 4 and Opus 5!!! There are a load of manuals as well for various Opus versions. Seems dodgy to me...

Ok, then first he has to link his account (legal copy) :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

There's nothing dodgy about the screenshot, Opus 4 and Opus 5 are both open-source these days (see wikipedia) both come with some Amiga emulators completely legally. And you can still run Opus 4 and AmigaOS in 2008 so that was all a bit of a derail...

The reason I mentioned the screenshot is because I'm not sure the question is about the Amiga or PC versions of Opus, and whether one is being confused with the other. (The PC version will never look exactly like the screenshot, as they're two different programs on very different operating systems.)