Hello GP Software! I have to scan a lot of legal documents, using a very old, slow, outdated flatbed scanner, then save each scanned page on an equally old computer. The scanner saves the scans using the following naming convention: scan001.pdf, scan002.pdf, scan003.pdf, etc. I have to manually rename each of these scans to their proper document names, some of which are very long:
Application For Informal Probate Of Will And Informal Appointment Of Personal Representative.pdf
Statement Of Informal Probate And Informal Appointment Of Personal Representative.pdf
Notice Of Application For Informal Appointment Of Personal Representative.pdf
To automate this process I have created some toolbar buttons which allow me to ❶ Click on any any file name in a Lister, then ❷ click on one of my menu buttons, which will then instantly rename the original file to the proper document name. Each button renames the intial file name spit out by the scanner to the proper document name, using the same renaming script, for example:
Rename PATTERN=* TO="Application For Informal Probate Of Will And Informal Appointment Of Personal Representative.pdf"
The problem I'm running into is that a lot of the documents I am dealing with have very similar names, are rather long, or have the same names but have different extensions (.pdf vs .docx). In order for me to know which menu button to use to rename document name and what type (.pdf vs .docx), I have to use very long label names, but the widths of the dropdown menus are far too narrow to show me which button I need to click on. While I can create tooltips that will tell me the full name of the label, it would be more efficient to just have the menus automatically resize themselves according to the length of the text of the label, like the Recent Folder dropdown menu does. Relying on tooltips means I have to move my cursor over a menu item, then wait for the tooltip to appear, then repeat that step again if the menu entry is not the one I need to use.
TL;DR: Can you make it so a toolbar menu/button automatically widens its menu entry to accommodate the length of the text of its label, just like the Recent Folders menu and the Favorites List do?