I use an external 4K monitor with a laptop set to 1920x1080.
My primary lister has two toolbars positioned next to each other at the top. I want toolbar Two to ALWAYS start 500 pixels from the right edge of the monitor. I this placement per the manual:
Toolbar One LINE 0
Toolbar Two LINE 0, 1420
This works fine on my laptop, but falls apart when I open the lister on my 4K monitor.
What means could I potentially use to always set Toolbar Two to ALWAYS start 500 pixels from the right edge of the lister, regardless of monitor resolution?
If you want the toolbar 500 pixels from the monitor edge then you'd need to use the monitor coordinates somewhere in the script, and work out where the lister window is relative to the edge of the monitor. You can get the monitor coordinates via the SysInfo object.
I'm not sure what you'd want to happen if the lister is more than 500 pixels away from the edge of the screen, though.
@Leo, thanks for the information. I should have restated my intent better: I want toolbar two to always be 500 pixels from the right edge of the lister. lxp's solution resolves this!