Thanks! I appreciate that coming from DOpus guru
[quote]Using FileType CONTEXTMENU on its own will include any File Type Group items. I'm not sure if there is a way to get just those items, though, nor a way to make similar items which would only appear when certain types/groups are selected.
Currently I have my right-click context menu defined in All files & Folders, so that I could get my context menus setup exactly how I wanted them.I have put all other Windows Context Menus into a sub-menu to try and keep it looking clean. Unfortunately this means using FileType CONTEXTMENU essentially displays my whole right-click context menu (not just those for a specific file type).
Ive got to thinking if there's any way I can possibly hack the registry to emulate what is happening with the WinRAR context items. If I could duplicate the winrar entry and then modify it for a particular file type to how I want. Something I might look into, but it's a bit messy.
I just thought I would expand on what I would like to achieve at the end of the day...
In the video, the sidebar "Common Tasks" is what I want to be displayed 90+% of the time. I dont want to be constantly switching between the toolbars to access other functions, as this kind of defeats the object of what I am trying to achieve, the other toolbars ("Miscellaneous", "Views" etc....) are just provided for completeness / less common tasks.
My vision is to have the toolbar's context area to display just the most common used items for a file type. This way all my common tasks (delete, copy etc) are always available as part of the "Common Tasks" toolbar, and also the most common tasks for a selected file type are also always available at the top in the context area. As mentioned above, this should mean I can spend 90+% of my time on the one toolbar.
Take pictures for example - I would setup a File Type Group "Pictures", define the following context menus....
Convert to JPEG
Convert to PNG
Rotate Left
Rotate Right
Now for arguments sake, say I personally just use the "Convert to PNG" a lot, I would just put the command FileType ContextMenu FileTypeGroup="Pictures" ID=2 into the context area of my toolbar. I still want to have access to all the above items, which I can access by the normal right-click context menu, or in a new sidebar toolbar. This way, you dont loose any functionality, but the item(s) you use most often are automatically displayed and easy to access.
This could become really useful once all File Type Groups have been defined and the appropriate context menus made, making it simple to have easy access to you most common used commands. I can see things like ;
File Type - Function
Video - Upload video to youtube
iso files - Burn to disc
iso files - Mount Image
Audio files - Burn to Audio CD
It would also be really nice if the context area could be aware of cd-roms, and the content too, so for example you could provide these commands ;
Disc Type - Function
All Discs - Copy Disc
All Discs - Eject Disc
Audio CD - Play CD
Audio CD - Rip CD
Audio CD - Display CD Text
Data CD - Make .iso from disc
I know you probably realised all that anyway, but I just wanted to get the thoughts out of my head, and share with some one.
All the best.