Tree remains collapsed when opening lister from command line

DOpus x86
Windows XP Professional SP2

If I have a lister open and the tree is already expanded, then I open a folder from the command line (or by way of some external program), the folder is displayed in a new tab, and the tree expands to reflect that location.

But if I have no lister open (with DOpus just in the tray, or not running at all), then I do the same thing, the folder opens in the right pane, but the tree remains collapsed (i.e. the tree shows only my various drives, but not the folder whose contents are in the right pane).

When I say that I am opening a folder from the command line, I mean clicking Start > Run and then entering something like "D:\My Folder\Stuff" and clicking OK.

How can I ensure the tree always expands? Or... is this perhaps a bug?

Hmmm, it seems to work right here. With all listers closed I just pasted

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents

into my XP Pro Start/Run dialog and Opus opened correctly with that folder expanded in the tree. I even tried it after completely exiting Opus and it still worked correctly.

Well when I do that, a new lister opens yet the tree is fully collapsed. There must be an option or something somewhere. But finding it in DOpus is like finding a pineapple floating in a galaxy...

All the Tree options are in one place:

Ah... Found the problem, I think: When I have Start Folder Tree at: set to My Computer (which is my preference), the problem stated above occurs. When I set it to Desktop, the tree opens as it should.

Can anyone reproduce?

This would be a bug, wouldn't it? I can't see why this option (i.e. where the folder tree is visually rooted) should dictate whether or not the tree expands when a folder is opened externally.

It also works properly when Drives is selected for that option.

I see the same problem... and I already have that setting set to Desktop. Setting it o 'My Computer' actually makes it work for me.

FWIW (and not really related to this issue) but... I've found that Opus' settings related to the folder tree sometimes don't behave in the way you might expect. I've seen in the past where the drive letters before labels setting gets all hinky with network drives... I have to imagine there are SOME other system settings from one persons system to the next that might have effects on these sort of things...

You using TweakUI?

I have it installed and have used it but since it's somewhat of a buggy PoS I try to keep my use of it to a minimum.