Trigger command in specific layouts


The script lets you configure a command which will be run whenever you open specific layouts, and another command when you switch tabs in specific layouts.

You can use this to apply changes to windows or tabs of particular layouts, where the thing you want to change is not part of the state which layouts normally save and restore.

By default, it comes pre-configured with example commands which change specified layouts to use fonts 150% the size you have configured for everything else:

  • When new windows open from matching layouts, it runs the command to set the font size to 150% on both sides of the lister: Set FONTSCALE=150,both

  • When you change tabs in a matching layout, it runs the command to set the active tab's font size to 150%: Set FONTSCALE=150

Another script, Trigger Flat View (or any other command) in configured folders, is similar to this one, but can run a specified command when you change folders, based on the path you change to.


  • Download: LayoutCommand.vbs.txt (2.7 KB)
  • Open Preferences / Toolbars / Scripts and drag the file to the list of scripts.
  • Click OK.


Go to Prefences / Toolbars / Scripts, select the Layout Command script, and click Configure.

Double-click lines to edit them.

When done, remember to click OK or Apply back in the main Preferences dialog to save any changes.

When editing the layout names, a window will open allowing you to type one per line, like this:

The configuration options are as follows:

  • CommandOpen: The Opus command which will be run when you open new windows via one of the named layouts. Set to a blank string to not run any command when new windows open.

  • CommandTab: The Opus command which will be run when you change tabs in one of the named layouts. Set to a blank string to not run any command when changing tabs.

  • OpenFirstOnly: If set to True, CommandOpen will only be run in the first tab of each lister in the layout. This is useful if the command affects the lister as a whole, or if it already affects multiple tabs when only run once.

    If set to False, the command will be run once in each tab of each lister in the layout. That is useful if the command only affects individual tabs, and you want what it does to happen to all of them as soon as the window opens.

  • Layouts: This is the list of layout names which will trigger the command.

    If you open a window which is not related to one of the named layouts, the script won't do anything to that window.

    The layout names should match those in Preferences / Layouts and Styles / Layouts. If your layouts are organised into folders, use \ to specify their names, similar to a file path. For example, Test\Videos would match the layout shown below:


  • v1.1 (21/Nov/2017) - Added similar command when changing tabs.
  • v1.0 (21/Nov/2017) - Initial version.

The script itself:

If you just want to use the script, the LayoutCommand.vbs.txt download above is easier.

The script code is reproduced here so people can find scripting techniques by browsing the forum without having to download & open lots of files.

Option Explicit

Function OnInit(initData) = "Layout Command"
	initData.version = "1.1"
	initData.desc = "Automatically run a command when specific layouts open or change tabs"
	initData.copyright = "(c) 2017 Leo Davidson"
	initData.default_enable = true

	Dim vecDefLayouts
	Set vecDefLayouts = DOpus.Create.Vector
	' Default layouts / example config.
	vecDefLayouts.push_back("My Layout 1")
	vecDefLayouts.push_back("My Layout 2")

	initData.config.CommandOpen = "Set FONTSCALE=150,both"
	initData.config.CommandTab = "Set FONTSCALE=150"
	initData.config.OpenFirstOnly = True
	initData.config.Layouts = vecDefLayouts

	initData.config_desc = DOpus.Create.Map( _
		"CommandOpen", "If set to a command, it will be run when a lister from a matching layout opens.", _
		"CommandTab", "If set to a command, it will be run when you change tabs in a matching lister.", _
		"Layouts", "Names of layouts which the command(s) should be run for.", _
		"OpenFirstOnly", "If True, CommandOpen is only run in the first tab when a new window opens; otherwise it is run once per tab.")

End Function

' Helper Function
Function IsNameInVector(name, vecNames)
	IsNameInVector = False
	Dim nameU
	nameU = UCase(name)
	if (nameU = "") Then
		Exit Function
	End If
	Dim testName
	For Each testName in vecNames
		If (nameU = UCase(testName)) Then
			IsNameInVector = True
			Exit Function
		End If
End Function

Function OnOpenLister(openListerData)

	If (Script.config.CommandOpen = "") Then
		Exit Function
	End If

	' Un-comment to make qualifiers (e.g. Alt, Shift, Ctrl) temporarily disable the script.
	' If (openListerData.qualifiers <> "none") Then
	'	Exit Function
	' End If

	If (Not openListerData.after) Then
		OnOpenLister = True ' Ask to be called again when all the tabs are open.
		Exit Function
	End If

	If (Not IsNameInVector(openListerData.lister.layout, Script.config.Layouts)) Then
		Exit Function
	End If
	Dim cmd, tab
	Set cmd = DOpus.Create.Command
	For Each tab in openListerData.lister.tabs
		cmd.SetSourceTab tab
		cmd.RunCommand Script.config.CommandOpen
		If Script.config.OpenFirstOnly Then
			Exit For
		End If

End Function

Function OnActivateTab(activateTabData)

	If (Script.config.CommandTab = "") Then
		Exit Function
	End If

	' Un-comment to make qualifiers (e.g. Alt, Shift, Ctrl) temporarily disable the script.
	' If (activateTabData.qualifiers <> "none") Then
	'	Exit Function
	' End If

	If (Not IsNameInVector(activateTabData.newtab.lister.layout, Script.config.Layouts)) Then
		Exit Function
	End If

	Dim cmd
	Set cmd = DOpus.Create.Command
	cmd.SetSourceTab activateTabData.newtab
	cmd.RunCommand Script.config.CommandTab

End Function

This is amazing. Thank you for fulfilling my request! Only issue is the FirstTab switch isn't making a difference for me. I have a dual view lister with four tabs in the right pane, and when set to either option, only the first tab of each pane is zoomed. I also created a single-pane lister with just two tabs for testing purposes--only the first tab is zoomed automatically. Using DOpus 12.6.

It should zoom the visible tabs on both sides. But it won't currently zoom any hidden tabs at the moment. We might be able to make it do that if needed.

(It may involve something slightly ugly, though, as i think it would have to activate each tab in sequence to be able to zoom more than the first visible tabs. Or the script could be changed so it runs the command whenever you change tabs, instead of, or as well as, when the window opens, which might work better.)

Between a chaotic startup involving automatically cycling through all the tabs to apply the zoom level, and automatically applying the zoom level when switching to an unzoomed tab the first time, I think the latter sounds better. :slight_smile:

Root post updated with a new version of the script that does that.

Perfect. Thanks again!

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