Two "bugs" with thumbnails

I found "two bugs" relative to the thumbnails mode and the slider that allows
to change thumbnail size "on the fly".

first: you are in any folder in thumbnail mode.
You have the special slider to change thumb size displayed in a toolbar.
Then let say, you go directly to mycomputer location,
the slider is still displayed. But for this kind of particular folder ,
the slider just doesn't work. Maybe, the slider should be then hidden ?
Or better: doplus would not rely on explorer to handle this particular folder ...

second: with "tuneup utilies" , I can define size of the icon displayed on the desktop (I mean almost any size, not just a "big icon settings").
Unfortunately it affects the way Dopus display icons of documents in thumbnail mode in a bad way. If I define very large icons by default for the icons on my desktop, then if I use the slider inside dopus to reduce
thumbnails , then icons for documents are just cropped, not reduced. This lead to an ugly result. Ideally, dopus would use the nearest in size icon (available in ressources) to describe the document , and would downsample/upsample the icon for intermediaries sizes .
I got this problem especially with the icon of zipped files ....