Two Opus 10 Suggestions

This may be a bug...or just not implemented as a feature...but I think it should:

  1. I normally work with two horizontal panes (and several tabs in each). However, when I'm focused on working in a single folder, I would like to be able to quickly switch to a single pane view, to get more screen real estate for the folder. While I can do this using the toolbar button, when I need to go back to the two folder view, I click the toolbar button and it goes back to two windows, but it's lost my context (tabs and selected folders) from the second pane. I think it should restore the last view.

This is just a feature request...

  1. I'm always amazed when I realize I need a feature and sure enough, DO can already do it. That happens a lot. But alas, last night, I needed one that it didn't do. I want to be able to copy a photo file's EXIF to the clipboard. Surprisingly, Windows does not let you do this from properties, and most programs make it really inconvenient or impossible to do. Since DO uses Windows properties box, that can't be fixed, but it would be nice if the image viewer had this function, or you could right click on a file and get the function from the context menu. I did find a program on the web that does it, so I can solve my problem--I just think it would be cool for Opus to do it. Photographers often need to publish EXIF metadata in the comments of a post (F-Stop, Shutter Speed, ISO, Camera type, lens, ...) and this would be very helpful to many!
  1. Change the dual-toggle button to Set DUAL=Toggle,Remember

  2. Hover over a file so its infotip is displayed. This should already have all/most of the EXIF data in it (if not you can edit it via Settings -> File Types). While the infotip is displayed you can push Shift-Ctrl-Alt-C to copy its text to the clipboard.

That's awesome!!!

Could this be automated for a selection of photos so that Opus will create the copy the infotip text, paste it to the same folder and then go onto the next photo and so on...? Now that would be really awesome.

Even better would be to paste the files using the original filenames with a .txt extension of course.

Surely Opus can't do this...

If you want the EXIF info for lots of files in a text file, add the columns you're interested in and then use Tools -> Print / Export Folder Listing to save it to a text file. (Using the .csv format is probably best, as then you don't have to worry about column widths, and you can import that into Excel or whatever for further formatting/analysis/filtering, or just to view it.)

Thanks Leo. An automated method would have been nice but considering how often I need this information, this will work fine.

You can make it automated using the Print command.

Oh great, let me have a play around and see what I can come up with. Thanks again.