Two Version 13 Questions

  1. Is there any way to get the "old" file copy / move progress notification display back?

  2. I remember asking this for Ver 12 and the answer was no, but just in case... is there a way in version 13 to have Directory Opus replace Explorer when downloading / saving a file (from an email or the web)?


  1. Which aspect of it do you want to get back?

  2. If you mean replacing the File Open/Save dialogs, no change there. There still isn't a good way to do that in Windows.

( Please Ask one question per thread )

Yes, open/save - okay, thanks on that one.

I'm not crazy about the lack of a popup notification showing progress % as files are copied or moved from one folder to another. The ghost file thing is cute, but it doesn't show actual progress. Is there any way to get that popup (or something similar) in version 13 (other than the jobs bar, which I'm also not crazy about)? Thanks Leo.

That’s what the progress dialog does. It hasn’t gone anywhere.

If you’re not seeing progress dialogs, try uninstalling any tools which arrange other program’s windows. Several of them have bugs that hide our dialogs completely.

I'm not sure what type of program you're talking about, but I doubt I have any installed.

MaxTo and Actual Window Manager are two we know can cause problems. Tools that arrange, modify or on-top other programs' windows, basically.

I'm still not sure exactly what you're seeing now, though. Is the progress dialog not opening at all, or do you mean you want the progress dialog to look how it used to, or something else?

This is what the progress dialog looks like in Opus 13:


If you're not seeing it, and you don't have any tools installed as described by Leo, check your settings in Preferences / File Operations / Progress Indicators - maybe you have it set to automatically minimize to the task bar.

A post was split to a new topic: Progress Dialog tweaks

Settings not set to minimize and yes, I see nothing during a file move / copy. Images & video attached:


Does it make a difference how the copy is performed? E.g. Using copy & paste instead of drag & drop.

While the copy is in progress, is the progress dialog included in the windows you can see if you hover over Opus on the Windows taskbar?

Thanks for the prompt reply. No, & no.

Thanks. That rules out several possibilities.

Could you make a process snapshot, while doing a file copy, and send it to us? Only one is needed in this case; you can ignore the part where it says to make more.

I've compressed the .dmp file to a .7z file, but it's still too large & my email server will not allow me to send it. I looked at it and am not sure it has anything useful for you, but I'll be happy to upload it to a shared location if you want to send me a link. In case you don't want to post a link on the forum, I just sent you an email to which you can respond with an upload link.

Leo - I'm currently on a Windows 10 desktop. I recognize my license is for one computer, but for testing purposes I just installed Ver 13 on a second desktop I have which runs Windows 11. Exactly the same issue on both computers - no progress window. is a good service for this.

Thanks for that! File uploaded & sent.

I have an update for you. I didn't like the look of the jobs bar, so I haven't used it. But I just enabled it, began an inter-folder copy, and the jobs progress bar said there are no active jobs running. I'm guessing that's significant as relates to my issue?

The problem is caused by FileBox eXtender, which is also abandoned. Uninstall that, or add an exception to tell it "do not handle this program at all" for dopus.exe.

Thank you sir! I've been using that utility for years and find it very handy - especially with open/save in File Explorer. It worked fine with dopus ver 12. Anyway, I did as you suggested and excluded dopus. It's all good now. Thank you again - I never would have figured that out on my own.

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There are some similar tools listed in Can Opus replace the File Open/Save dialogs other programs use? which might be good alternatives.