Two Vista Nits

I have DOpus 9 set to replace explorer for all folders under UAC. I log in as an admin account and I run under UAC. I notice in my own code I write that passing a folder to ShellExecute does not use DOpus. Not sure if it is supposed to or not? I do allow a 3rd party folder application and when I pass the folder to DOpus.exe it of course opens it as expected.

Opening control panel from start button does not use DOpus. Opening drives / folders from the start button does.

If the login is an admin account and you set DOpus.exe to Run as Administrator it launches all listers as admin forever but does not display "Administrator" in the lister title bar, but will show the administrator mode icon in the icon bar as being in administrator mode.

New update fixed a lot of little nits related to UAC. Double click on the desktop was broken and now works. It never worked for me under Vista before even under Ver 8.

I still am not able to browse into junctions such as "start menu" under any settings. I can't under Explorer either.

Customized tool bars now work properly and actually can be customized. I must say ver 9 is looking quite good.

Are you specifying the open verb in the ShellExecute call? If so that will cause Explorer to open the folder since Opus 9 now leaves the open verb alone. Instead, leave the verb blank so that the default verb is used, which will be openindopus if Explorer Replacement mode is on.

I think Opus 9 on Vista avoids handling the Control Panel when launched from outside of Opus, to avoid compatibility problems (and because displaying the control panel in Opus isn't that useful I guess).

Is that a problem? Opus itself should not (normally) be run as administrator; instead there is an Administrator Mode button for elevating individual listers when you need to do lots of admin work.

That is because those junctions have explicit deny-access permissions in them to stop anything from listing the directories directly below them. (You can go to a sub-directory of them but you cannot go into the junction itself.) This is done on purpose by Windows to prevent backup tools (etc.) that don't understand junctions from recursing into the junctions and doing dangerous/silly things, like backing up the same data twice or restoring the wrong versions of data over the top of itself. Since the junctions are only there for compatibility with programs that access child directories it shouldn't really be an issue, although it is confusing. (My initial reaction as "I'm an admin, why can't I see in here??" as well.)

If you've got the Description column on in Opus then it will tell you where the junctions point to which helps you get used to the new directory names in Vista.

Thanks alot. I was able to prove to myself about junctions and ShellExecute both. The comments about junctions makes perfect sense now. Backup apps recursing makes it logical why.

If you added the "Administrator" to the window text is would be a feature. Starting DOpus as Administartor makes all listers elevated all the time. Of course it won't autostart. Given that the button elevates then displays the change in the title. I'm not sure why you wouldn't be able to detect the elevation and do it in that case too.

Keep in mind that if Opus runs elevated then everything it launches is also elevated. That's useful in particular situations but probably not a good idea for general operations. (With UAC enabled, anyway.)

I can also cause problems like breaking desktop double-click, since dopusrt.exe is run at startup and thus cannot be elevated, which in turn means it can't send a message to Opus if Opus is elevated.

That isn't to say that the world will end if you run dopus.exe elevated. We used to do that ourselves during the betas, before UAC support was finished, when we needed to work on things. It's not advised, but it's your computer at the end of the day. :slight_smile:

So if I understand correctly, and Junctions are really just not useful then can there be an option in the next update of Opus to just turn off viewing them in the folders? I just don't even want to see them if I can not use them. I understand why they are there and that it is a problem with Vista, but Opus shows in the TYPE column that it is a Junction - so I want an option in the preferences that just says "Don't Display Junctions" if that is possible.

Add a HIDE filter to your Folder Format to filter them out.

When Creating Hide Filters for Junctions how do you specify Junctions? Is that not an Attribute? How does DO9 know it is a Junction to specify it in the filter?

Thank you.

Add this

(Application Data|Cookies|Local Settings|My Documents|NetHood|PrintHood|Recent|SendTo|Start Menu|Templates)

To your Hide Folders Filter. You could do this on a Folder Format for your Personal Folder, or you could create a Favorite Format, which you could apply after listing any folder (this would allow you to see or not see the Junctions Points on a case-by-case basis and regardless of which User's folder you are listing).

EDIT: To clarify, Opus sees these Junction Points exactly like Folders. Only Vista denies access to these particular Junction Points by default, to avoid the issues discussed above. So treat them like Folders in things Like Opus filters and commands. Otherwise, if a system had a Junction Point, you would usually have access to it.

Even easier, turn on the option to hide protected system files, since all of the compatibility junctions have the H and S attributes set.

...and if you sometimes want to see the files that that option hides, make a button that runs this:


That will toggle hiding them on and off.

Works for me. :slight_smile: