Unable to set new folder hot key?

Probably overlooking something here, but I had F7 and F8 set as hotkeys for creating a new file and a new folder respectively. After spending a while customizing my toolbar the other day they seem to have stopped working. Not sure why.

Going to customize -> keys, I can see that New Folder and New File functions are not listed there with assigned hot keys. I have tried to re-assign them by clicking the new hotkey button. However, in the "Command Editor" window that pops up, in the dropdown list of functions, new file and new folder aren't listed there either?

What am I missing?

OK I've managed to set New Folder (the function name is Create Folder, not New folder which is what I was looking for ). Still can't find the function for making a new text file though?

Ctrl-N and Ctrl-O are the default keys for both those things. If you're missing them I'm guessing you have turned off or heavily edited the default toolbars.

There's a FAQ on creating new/empty files with details of the commands.

Hi, my first post/question :slight_smile: I have assigned the Insert Key to create a new folder. It works great. However, any time I use the Insert Key, even when Opus is not the program I'm using at the time, Opus will come to the front and the Create Folder window will open. Is there a way to keep the Insert Key functionality to create a new folder, but NOT have a new folder window pop up EACH usage of the Insert Key when I'm using it in other programs?

Edit the hotkey and turn the "system wide hotkey" option back to being off.