Unexpected behavior after using the Select ALL command

I'm using a command to filter, select the filtered files, and rename them. However, they exhibit the following behavior:

The command below flashes the target folder a few times before executing the command

Select ALL 
Find FILTER NAME="Todos arquivos normais para rename" IN "C:\Users\lclbl\OneDrive\YT Onedrive\Canais futebol\Arquivos canais\Canal VS , Lado a lado, Sem stats, Com comemoração\Clipes\Normais A e B"
Rename PRESET="Fix pra que o Find não pesquisei 1 e entregue 10"

In the command below, I moved Select ALL to the second line, so when I run it, it shows a dialog saying "searching". The problem is that this search has a delay, and sometimes it becomes faster or slower, even referring to the same target files.

Find FILTER NAME="Todos arquivos normais para rename" IN "C:\Users\lclbl\OneDrive\YT Onedrive\Canais futebol\Arquivos canais\Canal VS , Lado a lado, Sem stats, Com comemoração\Clipes\Normais A e B"
Select ALL 
Rename PRESET="Fix pra que o Find não pesquisei 1 e entregue 10"

I noticed that the "Select ALL" command seems to be the cause of the two commands problem, perhaps I am using the right command, the wrong way, as any part of the two commands works instantly without "Select ALL". But without "Select ALL", I can only select the files manually after delivering the "Find FILTER NAME" command, so that the "Rename PRESET" command works.

Mixing those three commands isn't going to work. But you can do everything with just the Rename command. Rename can be recursive, and the Rename Preset's patterns (or script, for more complex things) can choose which files to rename and which to leave.

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If you must use the two commands, you need to (a) modify them like this

Find CLEAR COLLNAME=myColl FILTER NAME="Todos arquivos normais para rename" IN "C:\Users\lclbl\OneDrive\YT Onedrive\Canais futebol\Arquivos canais\Canal VS , Lado a lado, Sem stats, Com comemoração\Clipes\Normais A e B"
Rename FROM=coll://myColl\* PRESET="Fix pra que o Find não pesquisei 1 e entregue 10"

(b) put them in two separate user commands like so

and (c) combine them in a button like this

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It worked perfectly, I've been creating a button for each User Command instead of creating them through User-defined Commands. Thank you so much for your help