I have a two-level button (sorry, I have forgotten the correct descriptive term), which first gives a menu, and when I hover on an item, provides an automatic popup menu. The two results show as below:
The code to produce this effect is:
Go path "C:\Users\Public\Desktop" FOLDERCONTENT
If I modify this command as follows:
Go path "C:\Users\Public\Desktop" FOLDERCONTENT=nofiles
the first menu, as expected, no longer shows the files, just the two directories. However, instead of giving an automatic popup menu when I hover the mouse on one of the directories, I have to click on the directory, and the chosen directory's content is displayed in the currently active lister file window.
What can I do to make this revert to the original behaviour while suppressing the unwanted filenames?
[quote]Sorry Kundal...
That does exactly the same as this:[/quote]
Yes, you're right. I can't remember what made me think it's working...
I think the only way to get what you want is the following:
Create three new Menu-Buttons and call them "Public Desktop", "Games" and "My Desktop"
Drag "Games" and "My Desktop" into the Menu "Public Desktop" to have them as Submenus
Create a new Button with the command Go path "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Games" FOLDERCONTENT inside the "Games"-Menu and a similar one pointing to the "My Desktop"-Folder inside the "My Desktop"-Menu.
You can now drag the whole thing into your three-way-Button.
With this a newly created Folder in "Public Desktop" will not automatically appear in the menu. You'll have to create a new Submenu for each Folder.
[quote="kundal"]I think the only way to get what you want is the following:
Create three new Menu-Buttons and call them "Public Desktop", "Games" and "My Desktop"
Drag "Games" and "My Desktop" into the Menu "Public Desktop" to have them as Submenus
Create a new Button with the command Go path "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Games" FOLDERCONTENT inside the "Games"-Menu and a similar one pointing to the "My Desktop"-Folder inside the "My Desktop"-Menu.
You can now drag the whole thing into your three-way-Button.
With this a newly created Folder in "Public Desktop" will not automatically appear in the menu. You'll have to create a new Submenu for each Folder.[/quote]Thanks Kundal...
[quote="leo"]If you specify nofiles then the menu won't include any files -- at any level -- which is why you weren't seeing any files within the folders.[/quote]Hello Leo...
I think one of us is misinterpreting the other, but I'm not sure which.
When I use Go path "C:\Users\Public\Desktop" FOLDERCONTENT I get a menu (albeit with files as well as directories, which allows me to hover my mouse on a folder name entry to produce a popup menu containing all of the items in the chosen folder. These items can then be executed by clicking. This behaviour is what I wanted, except that ideally, I'd like to suppress the file entries in the top-level menu.
When I use Go path "C:\Users\Public\Desktop" FOLDERCONTENT=nofiles the first menu no longer shows the files (which is what I had hoped for), but now the folder entries are no longer responsive to a hovering mouse, they have to be clicked, and when they are clicked, instead of getting a popup menu showing their contents, the content (including file names) is displayed in the file window of the active lister.
Is this by design? It seems to change the behaviour of the FOLDERCONTENT command completely, and my inclination was to report it as a bug, but I wanted feedback here first.
As you might expect, the two folders, Gamesand My Desktop contain only executable files (actually links thereto). So, the whole purpose of the exercise was to create a mechanism for selection of an item for execution. This works well, but for reasons irrelevant here, I decided to try to suppress the executable files being displayed in the top-level menu. That's when I found the 'nofiles' argument.
After considering your advice a second time , I tried adding a third-level folder into the Games folder. Lo and behold! The popup menu mechanism worked again, but of course, the executable file entries are suppressed, as you described, at all levels.
I now realise that DOpus behaviour here is consistent - no bug to report. I was wise to discuss it here first. Thanks