Unexpected Filename Prefix added when copying from USB connected Android device

I connected a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 to my laptop via USB (MTP) and copied large numbers of image files (jpeg png...) to a Windows 10 laptop via DO.

During some but not all copy events, a prefix was added to the filename. For ex: !o1686D!- and then the actual filename.

I was not able to replicate this with non-image files or with one off copy events of png or jpg files. I removed the files from the phone so am not able to attempt to replicate another copy of a large number of image files. A large number of document files (xlsx, docx, etc.) copied over with no prefix added.

I scoured the DO preferences but didn't see anything that would insert a prefix into the filename.

I can strip the prefix out after the fact using DO but would rather avoid this in the first place. Any idea how to avoid this? My MTP_enable setting is set to True. Do I need to change this to false to use the Windows shell when connecting to a MTP device over USB?


Which file types did it happen for? (I think the post only says some it didn't happen for.)

If you repeat the same copy (same files, source and destination), are the results the same, or are the prefixes added to different files (or none at all)?

How as the copy performed? (e.g. Copy Files button, or drag & drop?) Any filters involved, or flat view, copy-as with wildcard patterns, or anything unusual?

Trying with MTP_Enable=False is worth doing as a quick test of how it performs. It's better with some phones and worse with others.

Using FTP or SFTP over Wifi is another option, which avoids MTP entirely, and the not-so-great MTP protocol and not-so-great implementations of it in both Windows and Android.