Unexpected UAC prompt moving file from Samba network share


at my Version 12.7 there is an illogical Admin-(Password-Input)-Question if I move a file from (SAMBA-WIN)-Network directory to the WIN-harddisk (in Linux the file have the permissions 0777!).
If I press "Cancel" at this question Dialog » the file will be moved .

Thanks for correct this so I do not get this nerved Admin-PSW-imput question in this case.


This is unlikely to be a bug.

If there is an access-denied error doing part of the copy or move, Opus will request UAC elevation to see if the operation can succeed with higher privileges. Windows provides no way to know if this is worth trying or not, as there is no way to know why access was denied; you just have to either try it or give up at that point.

If the main file move still succeeds even without elevation, the UAC prompt was probably for another part of the operation. See what you have Opus configured to do under Preferences / File Operations. If you have it configured to update file permissions when moving files, or to copy NTFS metadata of any kind, then that may fail with an access denied error even while the main copy works fine, resulting in what you're seeing. (If it's something that the Samba share doesn't actually support, then the Samba software is really returning the wrong error code for the operation on the Linux side.)


-» it was not "update file permissions" BUT » "COPY security-permissions" => set to "NO"
Leo, thx. a lot !