For File Type 'rtf', I have two Context Menu items that I do not know the functions of. I cannot find any explanation of DDE in the manual, and what I read in Wikipedia does not help me, as I am not knowledgeable enough about these things to understand it just from reading it briefely). I would appreciate an explanation of what these menu items do, and why they do not show up in my rtf right-click menu. Thanks,
Hans L
PS. The screenshots are shown in reverse order. Sorry!
DDE is a way of passing arguments to other programs. How those arguments work depends on the program they're being passed to.
It's not really worth learning the details of how DDE works.
Using the command-line is almost always better for things you're making manually. When programs require DDE commands to work they will usually set them up themselves. It's very, very rare that you would need to edit or create a DDE command manually.
So what you are saying, Leo, is that I can delete these default context menu items without any serious repercussions? (I wonder what they are doing in the context menu)?
Jon, I understand. But this is somewhat similar to having your appendix removed. What happens when you remove it is that it is removed, because no one really knows the function of the appendix. Which means that there might be negative consequences.
I did not really understand, from Leo's explanation, the function of these two context menu items, so what I wondered was, whether there might be a situation where the items (if I leave them in) suddenly showed up in the rtf context menu and would be of tremendous use. Judging from everyone's comments, I don't believe so, of course.
In any event, they are gone, and if I am living dangerously, so be it (said tremblingly). Also, pease note that when I said "damn things", I was not angry or anything like it – I just said "damn things" meanings "I don't understand them" things
Trying to learn as I set up my DOpus, and while it is time-consuming (as is anything you want to do comprehensively), it is very rewarding.
Hans L
PS. Just in case someone doubted it, I do know how to read, write and do arithmetic