Unstable behavior when previewing PDF

After the 12.10-Update my DO freezes whenever a pdf file is selected and the preview windows is active. Any help appreciated.

Thx Ferdinand

Does the same thing happen if you view a PDF in the File Explorer preview panel?

What PDF viewer are you using? Try reinstalling it as something may have corrupted its registry entries.

It actually happens when I use the preview pane. I'm using PDF XChange.
Reinstalled programm but problem still exists.

Does the same thing happen if you view a PDF in the File Explorer preview panel?

No it doesn't. When I select a pdf file in the windows 10 file explorer, the file is not displayed but file explorer keeps working.

Opus doesn't display the PDF file itself, that comes down to PDF-XChange, or whichever PDF Preview Handler you have installed.

It sounds like the installation of PDF-XChange is broken in some way, since it's freezing in Opus and not working at all in Explorer. I would try reinstalling that (unless you did that already; not sure if you reinstalled Opus or PDF-XChange earlier). If it still doesn't work, try using another PDF viewer (e.g. Adobe Reader), and/or ask the people who make the PDF viewer for help. (It probably makes sense to focus on getting it to work in Explorer, since they'll be more familiar with that, and once it's working smoothly there, see if that also fixes things in Opus.)

Thanks, I'll give that a try. Tried reainstalling pdf-x earlier with no improvement.