Unwanted new lister opens entering folder of remote machine

Hi all,

I'm using DOpus since many months, and I'm trying to master it. But it has sooo many funcionalities... sometimes I get lost. I have this trouble to solve on my configuration. Hope someone can help.

When I have a lister opened on a remote machine (so I can see the shared resources) if I enter a shared folder (double clicking or hitting enter key) the folder content is shown on a newly opened lister instead of the original one.

On the countrary, if I open directly the shared folder it opens on the original lister (wanted behaviour).

Example: the original path is \machine. It shows the shared folder "software". If I enter that folder it opens on a new lister.

Example: I write directly the path \machine\software. It opens in the original lister (correct behaviour)

This is the only case. It behaves that way only opening shared resources on remote machines. It works the same exploring Windows or Linux machines. I tried to see if there is some strage configuration on the file types panel but I don't see nothing special (or I can't see it).

Where can I configure DOpus to keep only one lister (the original one) opened?

Thanks in advance.

Opus hooks into Explorer to display the root level of a UNC path (where all the share names appear) so I think you can fix this by opening an Explorer window (Start -> Run -> explorer.exe), then go to Tools -> Options and set Open each folder in the same window.

If that doesn't do the trick let us know. It could also be something broken in the registry.

I tried that but nothing happened. I think this is related to a corrupted entry in the machine registry because trying the same on another machine works great.

Too bad I don't know what registry key needs to be touched. Some hints?


[quote="nudel"]I think you can fix this by opening an Explorer window (Start -> Run -> explorer.exe), then go to Tools -> Options and set Open each folder in the same window.

If that doesn't do the trick let us know. It could also be something broken in the registry.[/quote]


Found a fix: Go to Start/Run and type in: regsvr32 /i shell32

This fixed my registry settings. Don't know if I lost some other setting but no matter, I can re-set them if I need.

Thanks for the registry hint!