Update folderdate after newest file in folder

Up front: I know it is a Windows behavior, so it isn't up to Opus.
When copy/move files into/from folders, the folder date changes.
This is not always desirable, e.g. if you want to sort folders based on the recent (or oldest) file in folders.
Usually most recent file date is preferred.

Right now I am using a 3rd party tool, but it would be nice if Opus includes

  • an (new) option - a little bit like preserving file date Preferences->File Operation->Copy Attributes 'Preserve timestamps', i.e. preserve timestamps when adding/deleting files in folders, or something like that


  • a commandline instruction that can be added when to copy/move command that can be executed immediately after copying/moving (context menu/button)

There may have been a few requests before


Set Folder Date To Latest File Date?


This seems like what we already discussed here:

I suggested using a script column that already exists to get the information you want. You didn't like the idea but didn't give details on why, so I'm stuck for knowing how to improve the solution already on offer.

Thing is that I am not familiar with writing scripts, so the suggestions is to have a built in option.
When I add a file to a folder, the folder date would then be changed back to the newest file date in that folder, instead of the today's date. No doubt it can be done using a script, but as said, I am not familiar with that and reason why I use a 3rd party tool.

OTOH, the idea as such seems fairly reasonable to me (whether or not using script, or tools),
The idea of having folder dates being in line with the file dates, instead of when 'contents-changed-date'.


The script already exists. You don't have to write it, just use it.