Upgrade - install 12.20 (64 bit) fail and crash

Just tried to install 12.20 over 12.19 and couldn't. Got error message saying install could not change the filename dopus.exe -- no permission. Install continued and trashed all file labels, most icons on Windows taskbar, other stuff. Took me an hour to fix it. Then I downloaded 12.20 again and installed to DirectoryOpus1 (a new directory) and the install worked.

Nothing Opus or the installer does should affect other icons on the taskbar, since that's up to the taskbar and Windows and the other programs and not something Opus is involved with at all.

For what it's worth, I ran into a similar problem earlier today where half the taskbar icons went blank and every process started going unresponsive, including Task Manager itself. I've never run the new Opus installer on this development machine, so it definitely wasn't caused by that. I suspect a recent Windows 10 update has introduced some new bugs there.

The most likely cause of not being able to replace files during installation is antivirus blocking the new installer because it doesn't recognise it (hasn't been seen on enough systems yet) or doesn't recognise some of the new exe and dll files.

Using the alternative installer (intended for Windows XP, but works on everything, using the old installation method) may be worth a try if you're having problems, although it sounds like everything is working now.

Labels should not be affected by updating the program at all, since they're stored in either the filesystem or the config. The config would only be affected if you uninstalled Opus (which wipes the config). Was that done, or just an installation/update? Are the labels still not working?

Ahhh...anti-virus may have caused the problem, although I've installed probably 20 updates of DOpus without this issue. Perhaps Norton interfered with renaming the .exe file, which is where the install stopped. So it didn't install the new dopus.exe, and thus all the file labels on files and in DOpus itself were blank. (I know it "should" not be that way, but Trump "should" not be president of the U.S. either. Thank goodness I live in Canada.) I had to point the status icons to the new install directory one at a time. I had to delete and then re-pin all the icons on my Windows taskbar. Took a while. I did NOT uninstall DOpus. The status icons point to the DOpus exe file which the install could not write, so they vanished. I got them back into DOpus by pointing all of them in Preferences to the new directory and that worked fine.Thanks for your quick reply, Leo. Keep safe.

12.20 has a new installer (compared to 12.19) so that might make it look different to antivirus than the old one, although I don't know exactly how they work.

It is strange that it allowed you to write the exe to a new location, though. That could mean the problem was something else. The installer should close Opus so dopus.exe is no longer running, but if there is another user on the same machine logged in then they could have a second copy running, or something else might be locking the file, perhaps.

Good thought. No other user. The problem was renaming the DOpus.exe file. The new installer does that, probably, in case the install fails and it could roll back. It should have deleted it, perhaps. I'm sure it's a Windows 10 thing, but again I install every update you announce and this is the first time it happened. Must be the new installer.Perhaps the new installer did not close DOpus, or didn't wait long enough to close the DOpus services. Whatever, it was time-consuming to recover.

Hi Leo,
I was running the latest version, which has the option turned on to install beta versions. After the latest beta from last night installed, something very strange happened, and all of a sudden, dopus.exe seems to have disappeared. I downloaded the 12.20 installer and tried to install again on my Surface Pro X, but then got this error:

On the Surface Pro X, for some reason, the installer doesn't install the executables!
Can you please investigate? I've heavily customized DOpus and this is a disaster for me.

See Surface Pro X update to 12.20 not working 12.19 is however ok?