I am looking for a solution to get a segment (the digits) of the current foldername to be copied to the clipboard without selecting a file or folder.
All folders and subfolders I use have 4 or 5 digits in the name like "12345-example name" or "test 12345-example name"
With the clipboard set command I can retrieve the current foldername without selecting any folders or files:
Clipboard SET {sourcepath$|nopath|noterm}
Result clipboard: "12345-example name" or "test 12345-example name"
I already have a solution to accomplish copying those digits to the clipboard by selecting the mainfolder or a subfolder, but that means I always have to select something first.
For that I use:
Clipboard COPYNAMES=nopaths REGEXP "([0-9]{4,5}).[^.]" "\1"
Result clipboard: "12345"
Is it possible to use the regex trick with de clipboard SET command, and thus getting those digits in the clipboard without having to select anything first?