User command executed twice

I have following user-command, which simply copies all selected files to a new folder:

Copy MOVE HERE CREATEFOLDER="{dlgstringS|Enter folder name:|_New}"

The command works, but when adding it as user-command (UC_copy_files_to_folder) to filetype-menu (all files and folders), it will be executed twice.

I know entering the command directly will work, but user-commands are very useful to me (as archive and e.g. when modifying a command, I simply copy the uc-file to my different installations w/o editing filetypes or other settings).

It seems to be run once per file here, not strictly twice.

Will need to dig a bit more to work out why that's happening via the filetype context menus, but a workaround for now is to change the menu to run the command via dopusrt:

dopusrt /acmd UC_copy_files_to_folder