Using a Script-Add-in to provide utility methods?

In our configuration we have a lot of scripts and much more utility methods (for manipulating paths, executing processes, checking variables, showing dialogs, ...).

Unfortunately each script that depends on some of these utility methods needs an own copy of these utility methods inside its own source code. Since these utility methods can not be translated into script-functions I am wondering if a command-script can call a method from a script-addin.

In other words we want to extract all utility methods from all our command and event scripts into a single script add-in to have these complicated methods in one place. That would ease the maintenance and would make things much clearer, since you only have to refer to your utility methods instead of copying them around.


This can be a solution: Global/common used functions

Calling existing functions from scripts located in /scriptaddins is not possible, but once you moved core functionality over to WSCs, probably not required at all.

Thanks for pointing me to the given thread. That's pretty useful!