ya i tried it ... i think it had something to do with the way i wrote my commands. if you plug this script into DO::
Select ALL
GO current
GO ..
the script will work fine but it will never run deldirs.bat... i re-wrote the commands to do it a different way and now i have it running deldirs.bat fine... i'm not sure why it didn't like my script written the other way... it didn't give me an error or anything running it... just never executed deldirs.bat
At the moment you have to prefix external commands with sync: to avoid them running in parallel with the internal commands.
That may fix it, but using GO in scripts is often unreliable because you don't know how long the directory will take to read and the next command may start running too soon. (The GO command tells the lister to change directory but doesn't wait for the read to finish.)
For the example you gave (and maybe you've already done this), it's better to do the whole lot with a single copy command. Something like Copy * TO .. FORCE MOVE, although I haven't tested that.
ya tx for the help i appreciate it ... i re-wrote my script and it seems to be working fine now . i will have to try that sync command i never even knew about it
only thing is in the example lines i gave above, regardless of sync'ing issues, the script never even executes... you can see when something goes to shell when the black ms-dos window flashes up briefly. with that above code the batch is never even executed. perhaps this is a D.O. bug they could look into since no matter where it is in the sync'ing the batch should get called at some point...
Could you paste the full XML for the button? There may be a reason it didn't cause a DOS window to appear. You can get the XML by entering Customize mode, right-clicking the icon and selecting Copy, then paste it into the reply field here (without leaving Customize mode).