Using window titlebar for menu


I would like to integrate the titlebar of a window for menu (like Opera and Photoshop do). The advantage is a bit more height for lister and an own color for the titlebar (depending on which color you use for toolbars etc., the (active) titlebar-color doesn't fit to DO's look).


+1 for the custom titlebar cosmetics or the menu? They are two separate ideas really.

The menu in the titlebar (I assume a menu meaning a toolbar filled with buttons, the default being called menu). Then that toolbar taking on the glass (Windows 7) look of Windows. This being an option I would think would need to be a must.

Yes please. I would like that too or something like firefox. The titelbar is such a waste of space. Most heavy programs have titlebar integrated in UI.

Unless you want to move the window around. :slight_smile: It annoys me greatly that I cannot always easily move Photoshop CC because a UI designer decided the titlebar was wasted space where a menu should go.

You can click-n-drag any space to the right of Help and move the window around. All that empty space is basically still a title bar. No?

Not if the Window is narrow, which it often is if I'm using it next to something else. I'd also rather not have to think about where it's safe to drag in every different program.

Photoshop has done this nicely and the Microsoft Office Quick access toolbar is another good example. With not to many menu items the window have to be really small for not showing a bit of empty space.
I don't like the way Firefox implemented the use of the title bar. They still have a small row above the tabs, a downsized title bar which can be used as such.

That said, I often find me clicking on title bars of programs that do not have the focus. Having a menu in the title bar makes the area I can click on a lot smaller or there is even nothing to click on. And I don't like clicking in the window area because it may accidentally trigger something.
Than again, the new feature would be optional so no one is hurt when implementing this. But I rather see single click selection in the rename window, a much requested feature. :wink:

I like full windows with menus, so I understand Leo. If I can - I always turn on classic view in browsers and other programs - with titlebars and menus. BUT I also understand people who don't like it. So borderless windows will be nice improvement. All you must do before implement that is made possibility to drag lister by any empty space on toolbars and add functions to minimize and maximize lister, so users can made their own visual style of listers. I think customize Opus that way can be very interesting.

Of course and as already said this should be optional (BTW for more space you can use a vertical menu like Opera). And it seems not be something very special, the best example is MS Office, which is using titlebar a long time.

I show you my main reason why requesting this feature:

  1. In first pic you see that colors can destroy DO's look completely.

  2. In second pic I set windows-color to fit with DO's design. But that was by chance, because actually Windows don't offer customs colors (it only offers predefined color-schemes).

  3. In this pic you see, why there's another problem when using a color-scheme... depending on your DO theme you doesn't see the titlebar of other windows good enough (here: rename window).

You can access the classic color control panel in Windows 10 (and pick your own color) by running the following command:

C:\Windows\System32\control.exe /NAME Microsoft.Personalization /PAGE pageColorization 

Good to know.

But that doesn't "fix" the problem you see in pic 3. It's really hard to see other windows in my example (and I like my new DO-look :slight_smile:).