Are you sure the Date taken column is not image-local, but pc-local?
A custom column can display datetaken
in UTC:
function OnInit(initData) { = 'Date taken UTC';
initData.version = '2021-07-17';
initData.url = '';
initData.desc = '';
initData.default_enable = true;
initData.min_version = '12.0';
function OnAddColumns(addColData) {
var col = addColData.AddColumn();
col.multicol = true;
col.method = 'OnColumn'; = 'Date taken (UTC)';
col.label = 'Date taken (UTC)';
col.header = 'Date taken (UTC)';
col.justify = 'right';
col.defwidth = 6;
col.autorefresh = 1;
col.autogroup = true;
col.type = 'datetime';
var col = addColData.AddColumn();
col.multicol = true;
col.method = 'OnColumn'; = 'Date taken (local)';
col.label = 'Date taken (local)';
col.header = 'Date taken (local)';
col.justify = 'right';
col.defwidth = 6;
col.autorefresh = 1;
col.autogroup = true;
col.type = 'datetime';
function OnColumn(scriptColData) {
var dt = scriptColData.item.metadata.image.datetaken;
var isDate = DOpus.Typeof(dt) == 'object.Date';
scriptColData.columns('Date taken (UTC)').value = isDate ? dt.ToUTC() : '';
// scriptColData.columns('Date taken (local)').value = isDate ? dt.ToUTC().FromUTC() : '';
scriptColData.columns('Date taken (local)').value = isDate ? dt.Format('D#yyyy-MM-dd T#HH:mm:ss') : '';
I've included a Date taken (local) column as demo, however, I can't think of a simple way to compute the values.
ColumnDateTakenUTC.js.txt (1.4 KB)