V9 still doesn't allow for gradient colors on pushed items?

I've messed around with the new controls but the one mark checkmark fools you into thinking that it is a two color gradient when one color is for the toolbar and one color is for the menu.

The menus also don't have two color gradient, it seems the gradient is only available for things that you hover on the toolbar or things that you push momentarily.

Is this a limitation or a choice, because if done by choice then it was a bad decision.

Pushed-in buttons have solid colours as far as I can tell.

The button ("checkbox") gradients are only used for "hot" buttons, i.e. when the mouse hovers over them.

I don't think anybody is against the idea of allowing gradients for non-hot buttons but right now it is what it is. Creating lots of threads about the same question isn't gonna help. :slight_smile:

The menu gradients are applied to the side of menus:

It should probably be seperated according to toolbars and menus. The wording is a little bit off and it should be stated when a two color gradient color actually exists.


  1. Frame (color)
  2. Hover (color1)(color2)
  3. Click (color1)(color2)
  4. Active (color1)(color2)


  1. Hover Border (color)
  2. Hover Fill (color1)(color2)
  3. Leftside stripe (color1)(color2)
