Version 13 - Actual Tools Warning

I have Actual Tools Window Manager. On Dopus startup up, I get a warning to say it may cause problems. I understand the need to be cautious. The warning dialog has a 'Don't show me this again' check box.

The check box doesn't work. The warning is shown every time.

The warning I get when exiting Dopus does the same. The check box for 'Don't show me this again'.doesn't work.

Something on your system is blocking writes to /dopuslocaldata/State Data/confirm.osd (paste that into the path field and push return to locate the file).

Do I remember seeing a list softwares that clash with dopus somewhere on the forums?

I used to use actual windows manager but had to remove it for causing problems with multiple programs, doupus included.

In the FAQs:

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I don't have the file with path '/dopuslocaldata/State Data/confirm.osd'.

I've found folder 'C:\Users\gtw\AppData\Local\GPSoftware-orig\Directory Opus\State Data'. This folder does have the file 'confirm.osd` and it contains the following lines:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Some lines from the text file didn't appear in my last message:

< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< confirm>
<show_splash_screen ask="no" />
< /confirm>

This time I've killed the HTML by putting a space after left diamond bracket. Hope it works

GPSoftware-orig implies you renamed that folder after it was made, or made a copy and then deleted the proper folder later, which is probably what broke things.

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Hi Leo,

I agree the 'GPSoftware-orig' looks like I changed it But I really don't remember doing it and certainly didn't do it for the DOpus 13 update,

You said I should have '/dopuslocaldata/State Data/confirm.osd'. Does '\dopuslocaldata' sit under \AppData\Local?

Can you provide the full pathname for '/dopuslocaldata/State Data/confirm.osd'?


/dopuslocaldata is an alias, type that into the location field and it'll take you to it.

Thanks, Jon. I re-installed the GPSoftware directory from the mystery 'GPSoftware-orig' directory and it is fine, now. No warnings at startup or shutdown.